Preservation and promotion of medicinal Plants


Name of the Project

Activities carried out


1996-1997 &              1997-1998

Project on medicinal plans promotion –                              DST, New Delhi

-contacted a good number of vaidhyas and siddha doctors and collected information’s about the practice of medicinal plants.

- Field trips are made to identify the particular herbs and endangered medicinal plants in the District.

- Organized awareness camps about the use of medicinal plants and   need for developing them in the kitchen garden.

- Collected and planted the medicinal herbs in the office camps.

-More than 200 Species were identified and developed in the field office campus at Thalakulam.

-The habit of developing medicinal plants in the kitchen garden was developed among the rural people.

-Based on the study an action program had been developed and sent to S & T for financial assistance.

1999-2000   &            2000-2001

Upgrading the techniques of medicinal plant cultivation and popularizing in dangerous health practices for income DST, New Delhi.

-Preliminary arrangement such as arranging demonstration plot, preparation of manure developing seedlings, collection of seeds etc was done.

-Trainees were identified from to villages through Self Help Groups.

-Two staff from the staff team was sent to Tropical Botanical Garden & research Institute, Palode, Trivandrum for special training in medicinal plant cultivation and nursery development techniques.

-Collected medicinal plants from different locations were planted in the demonstration Garden, Thalakulam. 

-Three Batches of Training conducted at the rate of 20 trainees in a batch.

-Trained beneficiaries were motivated to develop medicinal plant garden in their own campus.

- A demonstration medicinal plant garden developed at the field campus with about 200 species.

-60 women from 6 villages were able to understand the upgraded herbal cultivation techniques.

-Developing herbal as a garden income generation activity was popularized among the rural people.

-The medicinal value of each herb was understood by the trainees.

-The medicinal value of each species was printed and distributed to the target people.


Medicinal plants a conservation and promotion.

-CSD participated in the state level NGO meeting at GANDEEPAM for mass movement for conservation and promotion of medical system and medical plants.

-A Sidha medical camp was conducted at Marthandam by CSD.

-Sidha Doctors, Vaidhyas, NGO representatives, SHG representatives participated in the program.


Medicinal plants a conservation and promotion.

-CSD organized “Sustainable Agricultural Livelihood” camp at Thadikarankonam.

-Farmers from different parts of the districts participated in this program.

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